I am an experienced and highly qualified translator and a writer with a background in performance. University studies focused on theatre and poetry and I was fortunate to have as tutors, among others, literary critic Christopher Ricks (for a dissertation on Geoffrey Hill) and the poet Geoffrey Hill (for a final year elective paper on European avant-garde literature). As a personal project, I made the first translation into English of Federico García Lorca’s ‘El Público’. With many years’ translating behind me, I took and gained the Chartered Institute of Linguists’ Diploma in Translation in 2020. Catalan and Spanish are languages I use and translate on a daily basis; I am also fluent in French. Translations include several contemporary opera libretti and various poetry sequences, as well as specialist articles on music. In 2022, 2023 and 2024 the Institut Ramon Llull, Barcelona, accepted my proposals to their programme for literary translators. Three of my translations of sonnets by Mercè Rodoreda appear in Shearsman Magazine (135 & 136) 2023, three in the Summer 2023 issue (Vol. 44, No.2) of New England Review, who also have an interview with me online, two in AGNI Magazine in 2024 (AGNI 99) and two in Modern Poetry in Translation (November Issue, Focus on Catalan, 2024). In 2021 the award-winning Barcelona art gallery, A34, commissioned translations from me of poetry by Joan Brossa, Rafael Alberti, León Felipe and Joan Miró. As a creative writer, I am the originator and author of a number of opera libretti with several operas produced/commissioned. My text 'Niaux' appears in Young Ravens Literary Review, Summer 2024 Issue exploring sound and music. As a performer I am involved in voice over: 2025 sees the release of The Light of Aisha, an animated feature film, in which I voice a central character.
Sky Disc opera-oratorio.
Idea and libretto; music Ramon Humet.
Oper Halle, Germany, 2013.
Tales of Liberation opera.
Idea and libretto; music Andy Pape.
Commissioned by Den Ny Opera, Esbjerg, Denmark.
Juana opera.
Idea and libretto; music Enric Palomar.
Oper Halle, Germany / Teatre Romea, Barcelona, 2005; Staatstheater Darmstadt, 2007.
See Gallery for Juana and Sky Disc
Idea and libretto; music Ramon Humet.
Oper Halle, Germany, 2013.
Tales of Liberation opera.
Idea and libretto; music Andy Pape.
Commissioned by Den Ny Opera, Esbjerg, Denmark.
Juana opera.
Idea and libretto; music Enric Palomar.
Oper Halle, Germany / Teatre Romea, Barcelona, 2005; Staatstheater Darmstadt, 2007.
See Gallery for Juana and Sky Disc
Mime theatre GEST, Mime Theatre Gest
Guide to the Fundació Miró, Fundació Miró/Polígrafo
Mime theatre GEST, Mime Theatre Gest
Guide to the Fundació Miró, Fundació Miró/Polígrafo
Figures of Doubleness, Comanegra
Time of Change, Arts Santa Monica/GenCat Barcelona Zerkowitz, Barcelona City Council THEATRE / OPERA
• Dreamtime Gonçalo Tavares OBNC Barcelona • Sis solos soles/Six solitary solos OBNC Barcelona • Diàlegs de Tirant i Carmesina Rosich OBNC • Cantos de Sirena Marc Rosich La Fura dels Baus • Till Death Us Do (final English singing version) Andy Pape • Vacants/Empties Lluïsa Cunillé, L'Obrador Internacional conference, Sala Beckett CD BOOKLETS
• L4DL4 Pablo Carrascosa Llopis Neu Records • Pendular Motion Octavi Rumbau Neu Records • Llum (text Vicenç Santamaria) Ramon Humet Ondine • Vocal Folksongs Robert Gerhard Seed Music • Niwa Ramon Humet Neu Records
• Hideouts Manuel Rodríguez Valenzuela Neu Records • Images of Broken Light Josep Maria Guix Neu Records • Legacy Anna Alès & Alexander Fleischer Seed Music • Temperaments Farrés & Hervada Seed Music
• Les Set Fulles de Faig Marigó/Mezquida Seed Music • Embrujo Enrique Cofiner • Besties Joan Díaz Seed Music • Images Josep Maria Guix Neu Records • Multiplicidad Luis Codera Siemens Foundation • Offertorium Barcelona Clarinet Players Seed Music
• Homage to Martha Graham Ramon Humet Neu Records • Intertwined Paths Joel Bartlett Seed Music • Requiem Bernat Vivancos Neu Records
• Mi Canción (letras) Beatriz Aguiar Connecting Cultures • Taqasim Marcel Khalifé Connecting Cultures • Dui Droma Martin Lubenov Connecting Cultures • La Judería Yasmin Levy Connecting Cultures • Abacai Benjamin Taubkin Connecting Cultures CONCERT PROGRAMMES
• Queen Elizabeth Hall, London (Institut Ramon Llull) • National Music Auditorium (ANM), Madrid ART GALLERY EXHIBITIONS • Galeria A34, Barcelona • Exhibition SUMER, Fundació Miró, Barcelona ACADEMIC • PuppetPlays Conference Summary Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 AUDIOVISUAL
• You Will Be A Man subtitles, docu. film Isabel de Ocampo • Barcelona Maritime Museum Audio guide PUBLICITY
• World Padel Tour 2020 |
Contact me for translations: Spanish into English, or Catalan into English.
I am a Chartered Linguist (translation) and full member of the Institute of Linguists (CIOL).
I am a Chartered Linguist (translation) and full member of the Institute of Linguists (CIOL).
Qualifications Dip Trans, MCIL CL (CIOL) London; B.A. Hons., Eng Lit, University of Cambridge; CCK Spanish, University of Cambridge; CELTA (Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults).
Rates in line with European Union Translation rates.
Client satisfaction Rigorous and perfectionist in all my work, I guarantee client satisfaction.
Rates in line with European Union Translation rates.
Client satisfaction Rigorous and perfectionist in all my work, I guarantee client satisfaction.